Saturday, September 15, 2012

ترانس سيكشواليتى ان ايجيبت

انتشر مؤخرا فى مصر جنس جديد من البشر, لا هو ذكر و لا هو انثى, الواقع ان النوع ده ليس وليد السنوات الماضيه فقط و لكنه قديم قدم الدوله المصريه العسكريه (او يمكن اقدم) و لكنى بدأت الاحظ انه ينتشر انتشارا كبيرا مؤخرا , حتى الاشخاص الطبيعيه اصبحوا لا شعوريا يتحولون الى هذا الجنس الغريب المقزز
ما اتكلم عنه هو الرجل الانثوى او ما يطلق عليه بالبلدى "الراجل المنسون" - بشده على النون - هو اساسا خلق ذكرا و لكن القى به فى احضان من جعله يقلد الحاجه فى طريقه كلامها و طريقه تفكيرها فشاب على ذلك و قرفنا بعد كده
لا اعترض على الحاجه , فهى غالبا امرأه تتصرف على طبيعتها و ثقافتها و لكنى اجد الرجل اللى بيتكلم مع رفع حاجب او يضع ايده فى وسطه و يتسأل: ايهيييهه؟ او يلطم فى الهواء و يهتف يا حوستى او يستعمل اسلوب نظرات العتاب و اللوم مع زم الشفتين و القمصه او الكيد و الغيظ النسوى مثل رمى التعليقات المقززه الملتويه او الضحك بخباثه على تعليق برىء لتحويله الى تعليق مستفز - اجده مثير للغثيان
الرجل المنسون يميل الى استخدام يديه باسطا كفه عند الكلام و يحرك رسغيه فى حركه دائريه دائمه (قومى يا ختى , لااااا يا حبيبى , و النبىىىىىى) و ما شابه تلك الكلمات من ايمائات بالوجه و يميل الى استخدام اصوات مصمصه الشفتين للتعبير على الاستنكار
 يصل هذا الشخص الى اقصى درجات التحول الى الحاجه عندما ينتفض  واقفا فى احد الافراح و ترتجف اردافه مع رعشه وسط لولبيه و يميل الى الخلف مراقصا صدره و العنب العنب العنبببب
قرف و قذاره لا حد لهم, لا ادرى من الوم على ما يحدث, هل الوم الحاجه؟ ممكن, انا عن نفسى اذكر ان ماما كانت بتتنرفز لو لقيتنى بتمرقع و كلمتها الاثيره لنا كانت "بطل مرقعه يا ولد!" اينعم كانت تقرن المرقعه بالفلحنه و تتهم رواد الرجال الانثويين مثل عبد الحليم حافظ بانهم حاجه تقرف الا انى اجدها محقه الصراحه
اذن الحاجه عليها بعض اللوم الا ان ذلك لا يفسر سلوك بعض المتحولين ممن بدأوا فى التحول حتى يتوأموا مع المجتمع المصرى المشوه
اعتقد ان الاعلام له دور كبير, تولت قيادات الاعلام المصرى الموجه رجال انثويين اصليين و حاولوا نشر تلك الثقافه المقززه
 بدا بعبد الحليم حافظ و بلاااااااااااش العتاب و مرورا بشيوخ السلفيه و اعلامي الاخوان و مدحت شلبى و شوبير و بندق وسيد على و تامر امين و محمود سعد و توفيق عكاشه ... يع
حتى السينما انتشر هنيدى كنموذج لرجل ناجح و هو شخص مهزء يريد اعلامنا انه بالرغم من تلاقيه 20 صفعه على قفاه فى اليوم فهو سينجح فى الحياه (النجاح فى الحياه عند كتاب تلك الافلام عباره عن فتاه بلهاء تحب البطل المهزء بلا اى سبب و تتزوجه فى نهايه الفيلم) او اللمبى الذى لا يمر مشهد فى اى من افلامه بدون ان يهز وسطه
حتى الكتابه, بدأها مفيد فوزى بأسلوبه الرخيص الانثوى عندما يذكر "برقه" المسئول فلان على ان الزباله مقلوبه فى شارع 6 فى المعادى و مرورا بكتاب من نوعيه واحد اسمه شريف العبد بيكتب فى الاهرام عمود قمه فى التهزىء عباره عن رسائل قصيره الى "الفنانه الفارعه" و الى "المسئول المفترى" و طبعا لا ادرى وان كنت استطيع تخيل مجلات الحمامات و عيادات التحاليل مثل الاذاعه و التلفزيون و الموعد ... الخ
شاهدوا هذا الافاق و كيف يتحدث؟ شاهدوا كيف يحرك يديه و يمط فى شفتيه ؟؟ده راجل ده؟ ايه القرف ده؟

نموذج اخر لشخص ولد رجل و تحول الى امرأه متنمره تتشاجر بفرش الملايه, شاهدوا كيف تهرب عينيه من المواجهه عند سبه لغيره, انه يبحث عن جمهور "يشهده" على الراجل العايب اللى بيتحرش بواحد غلبانه ... مقرف

اما قمه التحول فحدث ولا حرج

حاجه تقرف

هاشم فؤاد
القاهره, سبتمبر 2012 

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Prince for Persia & Denmark

President Mohamed Morsy became the first Egyptian president to visit Iran’s Capital in three decades, although the visit was described by one of his Advisers as "merely out of diplomatic courtesy, handing over the rotating presidency of the non-aligned summit to Iran’s President Mahmud Ahmadinejad." Serious Analysts saw it differently and Mr.Morsy certainly gave them reasons for that.

The Egyptian president delivered a speech where he criticized Syria’s Assad’s regime and lashed at Mr. Ahmadinejad’s support to Assad, something a bit far from diplomatic courtesy and more of a well-planned move.

What was Mr.Morsy and his advisers plan? Is he honing Egypt’s new foreign policy or is he only playing a part in Middle East’s new chapter crafted by many other players?
It is in this take that these matters are discussed

The key player will have to be Iran, A Prince of Persia behaving like the Shakespearian Danish prince Hamlet, who seems to be guided by a ghost in every awkward move he makes. It has been ten years already

since the start of what is now known as the Iranian nuclear crisis, though the Iranian nuclear program started in the1950s with the help of the United States itself as part of a program called Atoms for Peace, the United States and the western governments stopped their participation in the program when the Iranian Revolution toppled the Shah in 1979. Even when Ayatollah Khomeini had serious religious reservations about nuclear weapons, considering them evil, the program was resumed on small scale when Iraq invaded Iran in September 1980 but underwent significant expansion after Khomeini's death in 1989.

Several research sites, two uranium mines, a research reactor and three Uranium enrichment plants is what forms the infrastructure of the Iranian nuclear program.

However the question was never really about the How (the capabilities of Iran successfully having the Program working), it was always a Why question. Why is Iran, so rich in natural resources, a country that ranks third largest in the world with oil reserves (approximately 150 billion barrels) and a country with a proved natural gas reserves of about 15.8% of world's total reserves, why do they need an atomic energy program?

Iran's motivations where never understood, despite having the riches, three decades of economic mismanagement had their impact alright, their national currency has lost 50 percent of its value against other currencies in the last year, the consumer prices are rising officially by 25 percent annually and unemployment stands at a staggering 11 percent.

One would think that it is high time to play diplomacy and try to get rid of the sanctions enforced against Iran's oil and banking sectors which only intensifies the economic crisis, but the Iranian administration doesn't seem to heed the problem that much, matter of fact, they seem not to notice that now, many in Washington and Tel Aviv see military force as the only option left. The US Republican Party candidate Mr. Mitt Romney promised in Jerusalem last month to give Israel a green light for a pre-emptive strike on Iranian nuclear facilities.

President Mahmud Ahmadinejad responded defiantly that nothing will stop Iran's pursuit of its " Inalienable right" and hinted that a retaliation can be closing the Straits of Hormuz (through which around 20 percent of the world's oil passes).

Now it's pretty much clear to political and financial analysts that after the November US presidential elections, a War in the Persian Gulf is highly possible and a number of questions need to be answered to properly understand the expected repercussions of this action.

1. Can Iran close the Straits of Hormuz?

Military assessments confirm that Iran has the ability to effectively close the Straits for no more than 10 days after which it may become capable of only threatening safe passage through the straits for a month or two via isolated cruise missile attacks.
Though Iran has upgraded its technology and tactical capability since the Iraq-Iran War (1980-1988). It relies on a combination of mines, land-based anti-ship cruise missiles, and large numbers of small boats for waves of suicide attacks.
This is in no way a considerable force, and Iran knows this, though the Iranian Government hinted repeatedly that it may be forced to close the straits of Hormuz, there is the assumption that Iran is a rational actor, surely the threats bolsters the price of Oil benefiting Tehran as a major exporter and it’s a good card to threat of drawing and end a good civilized game of Poker and start a brawl, so everyone keeps quiet, but will Iran risk a US punitive retaliation? Highly unlikely.

2. What is the probability that Israel will attack Iran?

It's almost impossible to answer this without detailed intelligence. However, the probability will naturally increase following the November US elections unless US manages to form an international coalition that would support and participate in the military strike.
Since a successful strike against Iranian nuclear facilities would require estimably over 90 aircraft, mid-air refueling, potential coordination with Israeli naval assets is almost inevitable so Israel will almost surely participate but not necessarily initiate an attack.

3. What will be the financial impact on Egypt in the event of an attack on Iran?

Understandably the risks to the oil markets following an attack on Iran will go beyond the closure of the Straits.
The concern at that point would be that the attack could initiate a region-wide conflict. The threat to Saudi oil fields was deemed to be substantial. Back in the Gulf war Oil prices increased over 80% in the initial months following the beginning of war.
The only thing that will reassert the Markets is a quick US naval dominance on the straits and that is highly likely due to the comparable difference in military capability.
If global markets need assurances, then Egypt and other Middle East neighbors will need more than simple assurance for the stability of oil prices.

The Egyptian Head of State probably asked US secretary of state Ms.Clinton in their meeting two weeks prior his visit to Tehran the same questions. He has his own concerns, an ailing economy desperately needing for help; will he become the pragmatist when needed?

Ensuring pass to naval assets and facilitating transportation through Suez Canal is crucial to the US, they need that Letter of guarantee and they can pay handsomely as they did back in 2003 when they needed the same facilities to strike Iran's neighbor Iraq.

It also appears that the Egyptian president has other interests as well, he needs Syria's Assad overthrown, surely a "side strike" to an already fallen army is not going to be much trouble, Morsy might think, besides it is In the context of the "Arab Spring”, that the reaction by the regions populations is unpredictable, painting a picture of a military campaign that is doing a "good deed" getting rid of Assad, a tyrant who mass-murdered his own people, might gain support at best and won't hurt at worst.

For better or worse, The US knows that success will depend on the help of others. Forming a coalition against Iran is critical, and it's not going to be hard if they play their cards right, thanks to Tehran's bloody alley, Assad's massacres is helping undecided countries like Egypt to join the coalition.

After all, looking back at how Iran handled its nuclear program crisis in the past decade you're not left wondering anymore about the ending; playing Hamlet means you kill yourself in the end.

Hashem Fouad
Cairo, September 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

حاسب يا علاء ... والنبى يا علاء

اولمبياد لندن كانت ممتعه الى اقصى الحدود, استمتعت بمعظم الرياضات (توجد بعض الرياضات السمجه التى لا افهم سبب وجودها فى الاولمبياد مثل الهوكى و كره الريشه و البينج بونج) الا انها - الاولمبياد - تبقى حدث رياضى لا مثيل له,
 للاسف كملايين غيرى لم اتمكن من التواجد فى لندن و اكتفيت بالتليفزيون, القنوات العربيه على فمر نايلسات كانت اكثر من 16 قناه توفر تغطيه اكثر من جيده باستثناء التعليق
 تفنن الخلايجه فى التذاكى و الفتى و تاكيدهم للمشاهد انهم توقعوا النتيجه و شوف شوف شوف كيفما جلت الفريج الامريكى استحج الفوز على الفريج النيجيرى فى منافسات السله (و حيات امك؟ طب عرفتها لوحدك؟) و كانت الاستوديهات التحليليه متوازنه الصراحه فى حسن اختيارها للضيف فكان فى الغالب بطل سابق للعبه و فاهم بيقول ايه الا اننا عجزنا عن المتابعه عندما كان هذا الضيف من دول الشمال الافريقى بسبب عائق اللغه و غياب الترجمه (اصرار البعض الغريب على اعتبار ما يتحدث به معظم المغاربه على انه لغه عربيه اصبح مهزله و استهتار بالمشاهد و تضييع لوقته!) اما قناه النيل للرياضه المصريه فكانت عنوان للفشل الاعلامى و يستحق المسئولين بها الحساب العسير, الواضح انها عزبه تدار من بعض الصيع محترفى التعليق على مباريات الدورى المحلى و عمل لقائات حصريه مع الحكم الرابع لماتش الاهلى و الاتحاد علشان يسألوه عن صحه هدف الاهلى و هو اوفسايد ولا لا و هل سيقبل الفيفا ( فى تلك البرامج ) سيقبل تظلم الاتحاد و لا لا؟Viva  
تجسدت الملهاه عندما وصل البطل المصرى علاء ابو القاسم الى نهائى سيف المبارزه و فوجىء المعدون بوجود تلك الرياضه فى العالم و تقدم الكابتن خالد لطيف لاستلام المايك و التعليق (و هو شخص يبدو من انتفاخ كرشه و تورم وجهه ان علاقته بالرياضه كانت انه حفيد الكابتن لطيف لا اكثر 
الكابتن لطيف شاف ان شغل حلوه يا شيكا يا لعيب مش حينفع يطبقه على تلك الرياضه (الصراحه هو حاول فى الاول لكنه ادرك ان اللعبه مفيهاش كعوب و كبارى) فاستعاض عن جهله بالدعاء لعلاء و يارب انصر مصر!! طوال المباره شاهدنا علاء ينتزع النقاط و يخسرها امام بطل الصين و الكابتن لطيف عمال يصرخ اهدا يا علاء بلاش والنبى يا علاء حاسب يا علاء ياااارب ياااااارب 
فشل ما بعده فشل , تذكرت الكابتن الراحل رياض شراره, المعلق الموسوعى ... كان بطل رياضى مارس كره السله على المستوى الدولى و اتجه للتدريب بعدها ثم مارس العمل الادارى, الراجل ده مكانش فيه لعبه ميعرفهاش , مفيش حركه بدنيه مش فاهمها و مش فاهم صعوبتها, حتى نفسيه اللاعب كان شراره بيفهمها و يعلق عليها, اتذكر ان اسماعيل احمد لاعب الاتحاد فى السله اراد وضع الكره ساحقه (ابتكر شراره هذا التعبير كتعريب لكلمه سلام دانك) و كان اسماعيل لوحده و تهادى و بص يمين و بص شمال و الكره فلتت من ايده و زعق شراره : دلع و مرقعه!! انا لو من المدرب اسحبه! كان غاضبا و صادقا  (رغم ان الاتحاد كان بيلاعب الزمالك على نهائى الكاس - النادى الذى ينتمى اليه شراره)
كان هذا الرجل يملك صوت رجل عجوز محبب و قفشاته فعلا مضحكه (محمود بكر لما يتجلا و فى احسن حالاته الفكاهيه جنبه كانه اشرف شاكر) شاهدته فى اتلانتا 96 و سيدنى 2000 و كان يقوم بالتعليق على كل الرياضات, ملاحم ماريون جونز , ايان ثورب , مايكل جونسن , اسينبايفا, كوبكا و سباق بوبوف الاخير سيظلوا الى الابد مقترنين بصوته عندى.

رحم الله شراره و اخذ لطيف, بطيشه, شلبوكه, جعفر, شوبير و بندق اخذ عزيز مقتدر, اللهم امين.

هاشم فؤاد
القاهره, اغسطس 2012

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Down with IMAX! (My Top 10 Movies)

When is "The Dark knight rises" coming to a nearby cinema i asked my friend who is also the ultimate movie buff that i believe ever existed.
"Soon enough, but be careful it's going to show in IMAX" he replied, "I-who??"
From what i understood it's the new "ultimate movie experience" since, well... the 3D ultimate movie experience a couple of years ago.
And it's gonna cost you, yep, for 150 EGP a ticket you are going to enjoy the IMAX experience.
What is happening? how did going to the theater to enjoy a movie turned from one of the most enjoyable entertaining things you can easily do into a financial burden?
I reflected on my ever unquenchable love to movies, and began to recall my favorite flicks when to my surprise, i discovered that i can safely say, that my favorite movies were not seen in the theaters, in fact, in theaters i can only recall watching enjoyable entertaining blockbusters that were being watched with a mouth full of pop corn.
So why do i love movies? here is me trying to list my favorite movies in a top ten preview with no specific order.

  • Seven Samurai

    Akira Kurosawa

The story of a sixteenth-century village whose desperate inhabitants hire samurai warriors to protect them from invading bandits. As you would expect from Akira Kurosawa, nothing is less than great in this movie; photography,acting and directing.
What really stands out in this movie though is the character development, in a running time of almost 200 minutes the characters learn to balance humor, drama, and grow deep affection for their each other. A wonderful classic. 

  • The Seventh Seal

    Ingmar Bergman

This film has the pulse of a children’s fable told by an impossibly wise narrator (Bergman). Death meets a knight returning from the crusades and informs him that he is here to take his life, the knight bargains with Death and challenges death to a game of chess, though certain that he cannot win (nor cheat) he is buying time to do "one more thing, the thing that will make sense of his life", and oh god - won't you tear up when you find about this deed!
One of my favorite scenes is when the knight confesses to Death thinking he is a priest and death tricks him into revealing his strategy in the chess game.

  • Drive

    Nicolas Winding Refn

A mysterious man meets a dame in distress and reveals his ugly side in possibly the coolest movie ever made with a stunning soundtrack that will keep you hooked, brilliant!
just listen to this track and you'll get the picture.

  • A Clockwork Orange

    Stanley Kubrick 

Kubrick's masterpiece.One of the most disturbing movies ever made, i remember the first time i watched this one (and I've always came back for a second time) i was thinking what the hell? the story of Alex the "ultra violent" youth in futuristic Britain and his gang of hooligans, they rape women, kill beggars and piss on art work and have no respect for
anything but for Beethoven, Kubrick takes Burgess's classic and turns it to a visionary masterpiece that was a huge leap against conformity and fake values.

  • Fellini's Satyricon

    Federico Fellini

Bizzare, beautiful and probably the sexiest movie I've ever seen, Fellini's artistic imagination is incomparable, the story of two lovers, friends,enemies and poets Ascyltos and Encolpius in ancient Rome is a feast for the mind and for the eyes.  

  • Unforgiven

    Client Eastwood

Eastwood gets into you in Unforgiven, you keep thinking what a fool old man this William Munny is. If it was only for Richard Harris's scene this movie would've still made this list.  

  • Kagemusha

    Akira Kurosawa

Another Kurosawa makes it to the list, and for a very good reason. In Kagemusha Kurosawa creates a historical epic that is also a meditation on the nature of power. With possibly the best cinematography and epic battle scenes along with a brilliant soundtrack, Kagemusha is a classic.

  • باب الشمس

    يسرى نصرالله

In Bab el Shams, Nassrallah transforms Ellias Khory's Book into a 4 hour movie that he eventually turned into 2 separate movies, i always enjoyed the first one "Exodus" and regarded it the best moment in the history of Arabic cinema, there is a scene when Israeli officers are interrogating a Palestinian woman on the whereabouts of her husband, she tells them she doesn't know where he is, they tell her that she is pregnant so she must be meeting him, distressed ,weak and angry after fierce interrogation she yells to the world "i'm a pregnant because i am a WHORE!" ... of all the kitschy, tasteless and vulgar Palestinian propaganda i have been subjected to all my life, nothing moved me to sympathies with the palastinian cause like this movie. 
One more thing: the movie's main song is awesome.

  • Il Gattopardo

    Luchino Visconti

As if Visconti invented the time machine and took us back to Italy in Garibaldi's time! Every still can be a painting , Claudia Cardinali is stunning playing a vulgar beauty who takes the old decaying world by storm in the final scene dancing the waltz to Nino Rota's beatiful music.

  • As Good As it Gets

    James L.Brooks

I just love the dog!! and it's hilarious :)

  • Amadeus

    Milos Forman

My worst fear is to become Salieri ! No body wants to be average, but knowing that you are nothing but a mediocrity with nothing special, to know that you are a fool and live every day knowing this, now that's cruel! Salieri was reminded of his mediocrity every day of his long life since he met and became obsessed with Mozart's divine talent in music, F.Murray Abraham probably performed the best villain in cinema history in my opinion.

Hashem Fouad
Cairo, August 2012

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Hemingway and the Olympics (The Old man and the Sea)

For the past week I've been watching the London Olympics where exceptional athletes push their bodies and will to do remarkable things.
I discovered that I can divide the athletes that i root for into two types, the type that belongs to that "Superhuman" category of people, the demigods I call them, the likes of Fedrer, Kobe Bryant and Phelps, those who probably had never known the feeling of being in second place. It’s thrilling to watch someone who is so unlike the rest of us performing.
The second type is different. "My type", the all-too-human athletes whose every achievement is a battle. Nothing is easy. Watching them is a nerve wrecking tour. Something is always going wrong. Their struggles remind us of our struggles. And their wins are the wins that inspire us to imagine what we could be at our best.
Recently I received a blow to a personal project that I've been working on for almost two years. I succumbed myself into thinking about the futile effort and the long hours that went in vain and all the money I spent pursuing the nothingness.
I picked myself up and headed to the ever-growing pile of unread books that I have accumulated in the past 2 years and picked Hemingway's "The old man and the Sea".
The Story is of Santiago  the old fisherman whose been failing to catch a single fish for 84 consecutive days but still optimistically declares to his young apprentice that he did not break his record of 87 days yet.
The old man catches a massive marlin that  for 3 days he battles successfully to catch but only to later have his prize devoured by a school of sharks leaving him with little more than a skeleton.

Like our second type of athletes Santiago's tale is not a tale of failure, it is a tale of success in the midst of failure, of pure courage, and Santiago's refusal to give in to the challenges the world throws at him. Just note that when Santiago's grip is weakening and he can't feel his pain anymore he reminds himself that "I have never seen or heard of such a fish. But I must kill him. I am glad we do not try to kill the stars".
Santiago and the Olympics made quite an impression on me, that if you persist on pursuing something, even if others think you are unlucky as well as incapable to achieving it, at the end of the day you will achieve that very goal. It was not in vain what you did even if you end up with a skeleton of a fish.
Hemingway's favorite theme of "the highest virtue and courage lies in doing something purely for something's sake instead of for its other rewards." brought me back some sense. Even if one fails to achieve something at the end, the very process that one has ever tried and 
persisted till the last minute alone is enough to justify one's effort.

Happy 113'Th birthday Ernst Hemingway

Hashem Fouad

Cairo, 04 Aug, 2012

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The rise of the Euro

Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy announced an increase in the country's general sales tax from 18% to 21%, as well as spending reductions that include cutting employment benefits after six months. 
The cuts the Spanish government imposed is seeking to curb the country's debt crisis.
While the European Commission welcomed the move, saying it was an "important step" toward Spain meeting its deficit target for the year, Spain's anti-austerity protesters rushed to the streets of Madrid and demonstrated against the move, witnesses and emergency workers reported that more than 
70 people were injured in the clashes as Spanish police used rubber bullets and batons to disperse the protesters.

Following last year’s Greek protesters, is it finally over for the European union? Will the Euro zone break up over protests against austerity plans? 
The following take differs and is Optimistic to the future of the currency and the union. 

The Euro will rise again and the EU will muddle through the sovereign debt crisis and here is why:
Not only that the EU policy makers will introduce additional measures to resolve the crisis and to construct a vision of a viable future fiscal, financial and political structure.
It will be because, After all, it is what Europeans want – at least what the younger generation want,
The young European generation believe in the Consumer Culture Theory, a theory that states that consumption is considered as social and cultural phenomena - as opposed to psychological or purely economic phenomena. 
Young Europeans borrow today to buy what they can only afford later, they are head over heels buried in unpaid loans, yet economists argue that their borrowing increases consumption, increasing aggregate demand and GDP.
This is true and it explains why is the combined GDP of the Eurozone safely makes the old continent the biggest economy in the world. 
Even at the current debt levels the European economy is not weak at all, nobody is debt free, the united states owes china over 4.5 $ trillion yet the financial world is not talking about the US dollar collapsing any time soon.

So why is the Euro taking all the heat? The EU has a major problem, while it has a common central bank it has is no centralized treasury, indeed, the ECB takes care of the monetary policy but when it comes to the more important fiscal interventions the task is left to sovereigns and local authorities.
Admittedly having a centralized treasury is not that easy, first you’ll need to fire your politicians and hire – or elect -  others who are more EU biased  to handle the formation of the austerity plans needed, and since fiscal policy goes hand in hand with political plans (Greece & Spain’s last riots stands witness) and there will always be the cost of losing the elections, hiring and not electing is more likely to bring in the new policy makers.

That means that the “appointed” policy makers will most likely not share the national anthem of their employers and will do what’s necessary to enforce the fiscal policy needed.

Is this a Threat to Sovereignty? It doesn’t seem to be bothering young Europeans , 53% of Eastern Europeans under the age of 30 completely agree to almost every reform measure suggested by the EU and these countries don’t even have gigantic debt levels like their western neighbors, 
Nearly all Eurozone members - 13 of 17 countries - have debt levels exceeding the convergence criteria maximum of 60%. Among this group are the large economies — Germany (81.9%), France (89.4%), Italy (121.4%), and Spain (70.2%). 

That is worthy of attention, after all it appears that young Europeans will support the EU policy makers over their own politicians.
Accordingly it is better to leave aside the  support levels for the Euros and start knowing this: the reforms are coming and everybody in Brussels knows this already!

Yes, the German average Joe complaints that his hard earned euro is taxed to fund some Greek debt he wouldn't care less about, and Greece is considered one of the smaller economies in the Euro zone whose primary export is olives, but the country has gone on a borrowing spree and their current government debt to gross domestic product ratio stands at 160%. In absolute terms, it works out to around $500 billion and so much of their debt is on the books of European banks including – yes you guessed it –Germany.

Europe was united before, it was under the reign of the Roman emperor, historian Edward Gibbon argued that of the reasons that led to the fall of the empire was introducing a new religion  that created a belief that a better life existed after death, citizens lost faith in the civic order that united them, stopped fighting for what the empire stands for. Today it couldn't be more different, now it is that you can have the better life 
now and not tomorrow,  and that is something young Europeans will fight for.

Hashem Fouad.
July 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Between the Dog and the fireplug

Investors bought less a third of the 3.5 billion Egyptian pounds (US$580 million) worth of Treasury bills offered to the market on January 22, and that is not the first time that the investors turned a cold shoulder to Egyptian debt even at the exorbitant rate that was offered (nearly 16%)
Last month was disastrous as well, Raza Agha an economist at RBS estimated that more than $4 billion left the country during the month, he noted that the December drop in reserves was cushioned by a $1 billion loan from the Egyptian army and a $1 billion sale of dollar-denominated treasury bills.
Finally Standard & Poor's lowered its credit rating on Egypt which is another factor of why did the cost of government borrowing rose to its highest in three years.
With all the above not so great news, did Egypt finally hit rock bottom  in its financial position? Certainly the inability to borrow in the money markets is a little more than a shy suggestion that things are getting a little out of control, but is this all?
Since the revolution and the political unrest that followed, a substantial multilateral and bilateral support was announced in June 2011, totaling up to 30 billion USD, however the government announced in reply that it will not borrow from the IMF or the World Bank, as the finance minister at the time said: SCAF is worried about piling up debt.
"We prefer not to borrow money from abroad. The loans come with strings attached that undermine state sovereignty," said Mahmoud Nasr, a senior army financial official.
Is this true? Assuming the sensitivity of SCAF towards undermining state sovereignty or piling up debt, the intentions of the debtors were not entirely innocent!
KSA promised 4 billion USD of which only 0.5bn was disbursed ,1bn was deposited in the CBE and 0.5bn was used to purchase t-bills, Qatar promised 10 billion USD in direct investments but nothing arrived.
Qatar, Kuwait and KSA were busy helping the Islamists all along instead, reports surged recently indicating that the first transfer made from Qatar to “Ansar El Sunna” (which is not the militia from Iraq, rather an Islamic organization with links to Salafists political parties in Egypt) was made in 12 of feb.2011 and they kept flowing ever since.
On the other hand, Despite SCAF’s initial intentions not to borrow from international organizations they were confronted with the delay in the promised aids, they had to return to the IMF negotiating a 3.2 Billion USD loan (an amount less than the cash outflow in December)
Egypt is now caught  between the dog and the fireplug,
On one side the IMF is negotiating energy subsidies and tax irregularities and urges that something needs to be done in the form of a two-year reform programme. The GCC standing on the other side prefers funding the Islamists and is waiting for them to succeed SCAF.
The scene changed and power is shifting to the Islamists who did well in the last parliamentary elections, The Muslim Brotherhood's party said parliament's majority should form the next cabinet, perhaps pointing to yet another cabinet in months or even weeks. Coinciding with these recent statements Qatar announced that it will not invest the awaited 10 billion USD promised earlier for fear of instability, it will follow through with its promises however once power is handed to an elected government.
Now It is clear that it is a matter of time before PM.El Ganzouri and his cabinet are out of office and a new one will be taking over, the question of whether it will be allowing foreign interventions or not is not valid anymore, (the new comers were, after all funded by those external powers). It is rather a question of who will be doing the interventions the GCC or the IMF.
My money is on the GCC.

Hashem Fouad
Cairo, 30-Jan-12

Sunday, January 29, 2012

بشرى للاهالى الكرام ... رئيس الجمهوريه

فى اول صلاح سالم حتلاقى واحد بيوزع ورق على العربيات, كنت متوقع اعلان عن شركه للرش و القضاء على الصراصير او نشترى موبايلك و نبدلهولك او حتى بشرى للاهالى الكرام على افتتاح دراى كلين ... كله كان متوقع الا انى الاقى اعلان عن مرشح لرأسه الجمهوريه!! انا بصراحه كلمت الرقم الموجود على الاعلان وانا مش مصدق ان الراجل ده بيتكلم جد ... محدش رد فقلت تلاقى الولد اللى ماسك تليفون الحمله طلع هنا ولا هناك ... شويه ولقيت الرقم بتاع الحمله بيتصل بيا
ايوه ... الرقم ده اتصل بيا ... مظبوط اصلى لقيت اعلان عن رئيس جمهوريه و حبيت استفسر يعنى ... ايوه انا مع حضرتك ... (بصراحه انا اتفاجئت بانى بكلم الراجل شخصيا!! ايه ده؟ ده حتى مش جايب حد يشتغل فى الموضوع) 
تكلمت مع الرئيس المحتمل حوالى عشر دقائق ... اكد لى فيهم انه راجل بتاع ربنا (اتربى فى السعوديه) و بتاع ليبراليا و علمانيا و اعجبك (عاش ٧ سنين فى امريكا و منسيش يقولى انه مش معاه الجنسيه) و راجل فاهم اقتصاد كويس (عنده شركات و شبعان) و بيعرف يكلم الشباب علشان تم ٤٢ سنه امبارح .. سألته طب ليه رئيس جمهوريه؟ ماله يعنى مجلس الشعب ولا مجلس محلى ؟ حاجه كده يمشى فيها فى الاول يعنى! قاللى انه بص على المرشحين الحاليين و لقى انهم مينفعوش (بصراحه انا كنت موافقه فى دى)
عموما ختم معايا المكالمه بانه قالى انه حيطلع فى التليفزيون يوم الخميس الساعه ٦ على قناه الحافظ و ممكن اتابعه عليها و قفلت المكالمه
انا لسه مش فاهم هو كان بيتكلم جد ولا راجل عايز يشتهر علشان ممكن يمشى البيزنس بتاعه .. فعلا مش فاهم